Day of Mechanical Engineer
24.09.2020On September 24, 2020, a solemn event dedicated to the Day of Mechanical Engineer was held at OAO Tyazhpressmash.
Despite the difficult epidemiological situation in the world connected with the COVID-19 pandemic, it was nevertheless decided to hold the official part of the event.
By tradition the solemn meeting of the enterprise’s employees was opened by Mr. A.M.Volodin, General Director, who congratulated the staff of the plant on their professional holiday.
Despite the difficult economic situation in the country this year, the company did not show a decline in production, retained its employees and in the nearest future intends to increase the volume of production for the oil and gas industry, as well as to maintain the production of metallurgical and forging products.
In connection with the professional holiday, for high achievements in work, many employees of the enterprise were awarded medals Veteran of Labor, Certificates of Honor, Letters of Gratitude from the Board of Directors of OAO Tyazhpressmash, as well as Certificates of Honor from the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, Certificates of Honor and Letters of Gratitude from the Ryazan City Duma, the Badges of Honor from the Governor of Ryazan region, Certificates of Honor of the Ministry of Industry and Economic Development from the Ryazan Region, Certificates of Honor and Letter of Gratitude from the Ryazan Regional Duma, awards from the regional organization of the Honorary Badges of the Governor of Ryazan region, City Administration, Certificates of Honor from the Russian Association «Stankoinstrument».